What Are the Best Ways to Prevent Corn and Callus?

What Are the Best Ways to Prevent Corn and Callus?

Foot-related problems seem to be very common and many of them go away on their own. However, there are certain cases like corn and callus, which is very rigid and will take much of your time and energy. Though you are one of those who follow a good skin care regime, if you do not prevent the corn and callus from returning, then they will keep coming back. So, here we are going to talk about the ways to prevent these problems of corn and callus.

What is the difference between corns and callus?

Corns are different layers of skin that appear on the toes. It happens when you wear tight shoes or when one toe keeps rubbing against the other. In short, it happens when there is constant friction and pressure. Corn cannot be treated by home remedies, and you will have to look out for a corn removal Orange County specialist.

A callus is formed on your body due to constant pressure. The reasons for them appear includes playing guitar, wearing a wrong-sized shoe, or rock climbing. Though many people try to ignore the callus, thinking of it going away on its own, may make you feel uncomfortable and sometimes be painful. This can be treated at home by soaking your feet in the hot water and using a pumice stone to remove the dead skin.

How do you know if you require corn removal?

Sometimes, you may have tried some home remedies and over-the-counter medications to remove this corn from your foot. But still, if it doesn’t work, then your podiatrist would recommend surgery. Dr. Sima Soltani is one of the best podiatrists for callus removal Irvine. She specializes in operation-less treatments. Apart from this, they provide treatment for toenail laser treatment, stem cell therapy, custom orthotics, and bunion surgery too.

How can you prevent these corn and callus from happening?

Though you can’t treat the corn and callus so quickly, prevention is always a good option:

  • One of the common mistakes that most people do is to wear the wrong size of the shoe. So, if you can take a professional’s help in measuring the size of your feet, then you can prevent this corn and callus from happening. Because the professional not only measures your feet, but also measures the following:
    • Heel to the ball
    • Heel to the toe
    • Width
  • As a woman, you like to wear heels. But heels can put pressure on the outside of the toe that increases the chances of getting corn and callus.
  • Avoid wearing old and torn shoes because as they get old they tend to lose support causing additional rubbing.
  • Protect your feet if you got any bony areas like hammer toes or bunions. Because such deformities may make it difficult for your shoe to fit which in turn would lead to excessive pressure and friction. In such a situation, you can get a thin pad for every area of your feet.
  • Make use of a cushion like an insole. As you age, you tend to lose the fatty cushioning pad on your feet. This makes the joints more prone to pressure and friction.
  • Never keep your skin dried. Always moisturize it with a urea-based emollient like Allpresan. Dry skin loses its elasticity resulting in lower resistance to this mechanical stress. In turn, you might get corn and callus on your skin. Wear this emollient at least twice a day for better results.

Always remember that making use of foot file, pumice stone or pedegg should be done cautiously. A shorter and faster use of pumice stone can result in high-level friction which can increase the chances of skin thickening. A long foot file is always better to use in this case.

What are the risk factors?

Some of the risk factors that can lead to corn and callus are:

  • Hammertoe: It is a deformity that appears on your toe which can lead to friction and pressure on the other toe.
  • Foot deformities: Like the bone spur can lead to corn and callus due to excess friction inside your shoes.
  • Bunions: This is a bony bump that you can see on the joint of your big toe.

For laser callus removal Orange County, Call the clinic of Dr. Sima Soltani at the earliest.